Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Elephant Story (Story)

There is a destiny that makes us brothers,
None goes His way alone.
All that we send into the lives of others,
Comes back into our own.
-Edwin Markham

All of us are interconnected to each other - whether we want to be or not. We can delude ourselves by believing that we are safe in our own social niche and whatever "bad things" are outside our little comfortable space.

Break through that wall of illusion and let some Light shine in on the truth! No matter what lines we divide ourselves with - religious groups, nationalities, political or family ties, economics - therein lies the lie. We are one race of people -- humanity -- living on one very insignificant mudball spinning through the vastness of space.

So many times I hear or read statements that reiterate the same thing: Sure, I'll agree we are one, but I'm the one that's right. They have to come around to my way of thinking.

There's a story I like to share, an elephant story:


Five blind men approached an elephant for the first time in their lives.

The first blind man reached out and touched the elephant's trunk. "The elephant," he described, "is like a long flexible hose with a tough hide."

The second man reached out and found the elephant's ear. He agreed that the elephant had a tough hide but he argued that the first man was wrong. "The elephant is NOT like a long flexible hose but rather like a large thick parchment."

The third man approached the elephant's side and told the first two they were wrong. "Clearly," he debated, "the elephant is some huge immense beast for it goes on beyond my reach in all directions." When he placed he ear against the elephant, he could hear the elephant's thunderous breath. But, he conceded, the elephant had a tough hide.

The fourth man approached the elephant carefully, after hearing what the third had to say. He was a bit surprised when he found the elephant's leg. "The elephant isn't so huge," he laughed at the third man, "for I can wrap my arms around it. But the elephant is strong, feel the muscle under the tough hide."

By far the most curious now, the fifth and final blind man approached the elephant and stretched out his hand, completely uncertain what he would encounter. His hand touched and grasped the elephant's tail. Feeling it in detail, the man paused in wonder. "Why, this is no more than a flexible stick with a tough hide and tuft of hair on it's end, not too different than a paintbrush."

Which blind man truly saw the elephant?


Thus it is with humanity, we've been blessed that we are allowed to see things from many different perspectives. Only through collaboration and cooperation can we all come to understand things fully.

All five admitted that the elephant had a tough hide. There is, likewise, common ground we all share - we smile, we cry, we laugh, we love. We can either use the different perceptions we have to divide us or let us grow in mutual understanding of something much, much greater than ourselves.

One Light. One Love. Many ways through which humanity is touched.
Do we continue to draw lines?
Or do we open minds?


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