Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Belief can make the impossible possible.

We have within ourselves a birthright. With this birthright comes responsibility. What is this birthright? It's a gift given to humanity by our Creator - the ability to do the impossible when we have faith enough in ourselves and in others. The responsibility is to use this gift wisely in acts of love, not selfishness, greed or self-promotion.

This gift can be realized through prayer and positive thoughts. When we pray and believe undoubtedly in something, that which is within us can aide us in realizing that which we are trying to accomplish.

Belief is the key. If you are asking to test your faith or ask for proof, you are not believing - you still have doubt. In today's world, absolute faith in something or someone is exceedingly rare. Too often we have encountered doubt and have been let down by those we trusted in the past - parents, teachers, heroes... even God in the minds of some. So when asked to believe beyond any doubt, the world writhes its way into our heart and plants the seed of doubt there, unraveling the wonder before it can be brought to fruition.

It's hard. But it is still possible. Prayer is not only a means of communication asking for help, it's a bridge between us and God. He can help us achieve this. Does He remove the doubt and make it easy? No. But He provides guidance and strength, helping us to believe as we should. When we feel His Love anchor in our hearts, we realize that the doubt isn't as large or as firm as once perceived, and it will fade, allowing us to believe.

Once we can believe without a doubt, reaching out in prayer and/or positive thoughts toward others becomes second nature. That's when we start to see the impossible become possible.



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