Sunday, January 31, 2010

Gift Giving

When I was a child, I asked my father why we give gifts to each other on Christmas. His response was because it's Jesus' Birthday. We are to see Jesus in each other. And that's why we give gifts to each other on His Birthday, as we would to someone on their own birthday.

A nice simple sentiment to a child, and something I've treasured for decades now. But my understanding has grown since then.

First, while I still believe we should strive to see Christ in everyone we encounter, to see His Love in them and His Love FOR them in ourselves, I sincerely question if Jesus REALLY wants a diamond pendant or an X-Box for a birthday gift.

There are many other things I believe Christ treasures more:
  • Our time listening to His voice in our hearts AND listening to those who need an ear;
  • Our helping hand whether it be at a shelter or shoveling snow from a neighbor's walk;
  • Our gifts from our surplus, ranging from clothing drives, food banks, and book drops, to our spare time, such as babysitting someone's kids so they can run to the market;
  • Our talents, whatever they may be, to bring forth more beauty into this world; and
  • Our Love - which can be shown and shared in so many countless ways
Second, as I stated in an earlier post, we don't know the date Yeshua/Jesus was born. While we celebrate His birth on December 25th - ANY day in the year could be the REAL anniversary of His birth.

Since we will never know if THIS day is His real birthday, why not try to give Him a birthday gift each and every day. It is a wondrous blessing if we can actually present our Savior with a birthday gift He treasures on His real birthday.

Whatsoever we do to/for another - especially the least - we do unto Him.



Love (Poem)


If I speak in the languages of this world and beyond
But have not Love
I am only broadcasting meaningless background noise
Serving only to draw attention to myself
And draw attention away from that which needs to be heard

If I have the gift of prophecy
And can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge
And if I have a faith that can move mountains
But have not Love
I am nothing
And my understanding becomes only self-serving
As I crow my own praises to the spotlight I seek

If I give all I possess to the poor
And help in all the good works I can
And surrender my body to the pain in this world
But have not Love
I gain nothing
For those acts become self-serving
Limited to a biography or resume/CV

Love is patient
Love is kind
Love does not envy
Love does not boast
Love is not proud
Love not rude
Love is not self-seeking

Love is not easily angered

Love keeps no record of wrongs
Love does not delight in evil
But rejoices with the Truth

Love does not limit
Love does not exclude
Love does not divide
Love embraces all

Love forgives

Love always protects
Love always trusts
Love always hopes
Love always perseveres

Love never fails
In the Master Plan

But where there are prophecies, they will cease
Where there are tongues, they will be stilled
Where there is knowledge, it will pass away

For what we know is only a part
And what we prophesy is only a part
But when perfection comes
The imperfect disappears

When I was a child
I talked like a child
I thought like a child
I reasoned like a child

When I became an adult
I came to understand as an adult
I reason like an adult
I may still play like a child
But should always LOVE as a child
With all of my being - unreserved

Our understanding in All that Is
Is but a poor reflection
In a mud-splattered window
There will come a day when we will
See face to face
Understand with unfettered mind
Love without worldly limits

Now I know a small part
Then I shall understand fully
Even as I am fully understood now

There are three things
That are found in every human soul:
And Love
The greatest of these is Love.
Based on 1Corinthians 13

Thursday, January 28, 2010


This post is intended for many of those who hold fast to their religious practices without ever really listening to those who practice elsewise -- or at least research into WHY we do a particular thing in a particular way as a religious practice. Though this will speak more to Christians, I do ask that NON-Christian readers also try to take something from this also.

Christmas Traditions:
I cannot speak for all Christmas traditions around the world in this space, so I will use what is currently practiced by most American Christians (as I was raised) as an example. Much of what we have and hold dear in our Christmas celebrations is -- get ready -- PAGAN!

Nose count, how many readers did I just loose there?

But it is true. The evergreen Christmas tree and wreath are male and female representations of life continuing through the cold darkness of winter. This and many other traditions, such as the Yule log, mistletoe, holly, candles (now Christmas lights) were absorbed into mainstream Christianity as it moved up into Europe.

How many Christians badmouth and bible-thump pagans all year long and then put up Christmas lights, hang an evergreen wreath at the door - or under the candles (Advent Wreath) - and decorate an evergreen tree?

While I'm not a practicing pagan, I, like the religion before me, do take some of THEIR beliefs and incorporate it into my own. I believe Christ is the Life in the time of death and darkness. He is the Light that shines in the darkness. I believe Christians have a responsibility for making their own lights shine, so I put up light strings during the darkest part of the year (Northern hemisphere). This is a reminder to myself of such responsibility through the year.

Ready for another shock? Yeshua/Jesus was NOT born December 25, 0000. We do not know WHEN He was born.

The Gregorian Calendar, for which is the only one most of us know and the global business/civic community accepts as the standard, was started by Pope Gregory in 1582 - a LONG time after Christ's birth.

Emperor Constantine chose December 25 as the date over 300 years after Christ was born! The day Christians hold dear in their heart has connections to Saturnalia and similar pagan holidays surrounding the winter solstice of December 21st (northern hemisphere). The meaning behind the original holiday: in some parts of the world, that is the day following the shortest / darkest day of the year when a common observer can visibly see the sun returning on it's trek back north.

I cannot think of a more beautiful connection to Christ's birth!

Christ, the Light for humanity in the time of darkness and sin, is coming into the world as the light of the natural world - the sun - makes it's way north to bring forth life (growing season), much as Christ brings forth spiritual life.

Another tradition I connect with Christmas is Hanukkah, the festival of lights that celebrates a miracle when the oil that would barely last one day burned steadily for eight days. Christ is our miraculous Light celebrated around the same time as Hanukkah. Not only that, He Himself lit the Menorah while He lived as a Jew in this world. I ask my fellow Christians to keep that in mind when they badmouth our Judaic brothers and sisters or their traditions.

Easter Traditions:
A few years ago, an 11-year-old Hindu neighbor told my husband - in full honesty from what she's learned and observed - that Easter isn't a religious holiday. After all, the Easter bunny and egg hunts have NOTHING to do with Christ's death on a cross and resurrection thereafter.

She was 100% correct in that observation.

Easter is one of the major holiday observations and should be THE most important one to Christians. It celebrates Christ's death and resurrection - the period when He took our sins upon Himself and died like a sacrificial animal for us - the Lamb of God. Then miraculously passed through death and walked the Earth again, not a spirit or ghost but in flesh where others could touch His hands with theirs.

How many Christians fail to see parallels (sacrificial lamb, resurrection, life after death) found in other religions around the world?

How many Christians criticize others for non-Christian traditions and then tell their children stories of the Easter BUNNY, decorate their home with flowers and images of chicks and cute fluffy new-born life, then send their children on an egg hunt? These are also PAGAN traditions adopted by Christianity.

These are signs and traditions that celebrate LIFE after a season of DEATH. Though Christ's death and resurrection DID occur in the spring (northern hemisphere) as Passover is mentioned, the connection with the pagan holiday makes it even more remarkable. Christ IS Life after Death.

While I had chocolate rabbits at Easter in my childhood, I pick up chocolate crosses for my nieces and nephews. What's become of the simple hunt for eggs - a hunt for the renewal of life following death (a hunt for Christ) - into the collection of presents and baskets piled high with material belongings makes me break down in tears!

This is why a child who was raised outside Christianity can look upon what we do and say with complete honesty - there is NO religious holiday here. We've buried it. :*(

I've had the opportunity to discuss religious beliefs with Atheists. Some are willing to have an honest and open conversation. One recently told me at the end, "While I don't share your beliefs I can see that you have studied much and do not just simply follow blindly - and I respect you and your beliefs because of that."

It is from these conversations that one can learn why people turn away and say there is no God. One strongly driving force is that there are those who try to force their own beliefs and traditions down people's throats and never open their own eyes to understanding these traditions.

Ironically, there are quite a few Atheists who do not understand this: Atheism is a RELIGION too. It is a set of beliefs related to the cause, nature and purpose of the universe.

Those that blast, spam, troll and get into people's faces supporting Atheism are just as bad as those they criticize doing the same for Christianity and other religions. They are as fervent in proclaiming there is no god as those that proclaim there is. Face it; Atheism IS a religion. If you condemn others for doing as you do, condemn your own actions as well in fairness.

That last applies to Atheists and non-Atheists alike!

In Closing:
There are many - too many - people who believe the way they celebrate things is the One True Religion. They fail to see how much we've incorporated into the "Religion" since it's origins.

Too many people shout that their way is the Only Way and do not open their ears to hear what other people say. If they did, they may be surprised that there is FAR more in common than we think.

Sharing Christ's teachings is not insisting that they follow exactly as we do. It is opening hearts to the understanding that we can be forgiven, we can have a fresh start and can continue to strive to do what is right, even though we failed to do that in the past. That we are to Love one another and help one another.

It also means knowing what our actions say. Actions speak louder than words. People may not listen to what we say, but they will observe what we DO. Our actions may be the only bible another reads.

Are we speaking from the Love in our hearts or are we trying to change people so we rack up points on our scorecards? Do we do good in an effort to genuinely help one another or are we building a reputation for our resume and spotlight that we seek? Are we really serving God or ourselves?

We have a responsibility to open our eyes to see our own actions AND why we do it. Constant vigilance is also needed to make sure that hasn't changed, as it will change if left unobserved.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Help from God (Story)

A recent debate on Twitter brought this story to my husband's mind. I wanted to share it with my readers:

One day there was a bad storm causing tremendous flooding.

The whole area had been ordered to evacuate, but one man stood his ground and said, "No, I have Faith that God will save me."

All his neighbors left.

A jeep pulled up to his house and the driver called out, "Hey, guy, it's time to leave."

The National Guards pounded on his door, trying to convince him to leave.

He adamantly refused to leave, claiming,
"No, I have Faith that God will save me."

The storm got worse, the water rose, lashing at the first floor windows.

A boat came by and the woman called out above the wind and rain, "HEY! You inside, you should have left earlier, but I can still get you to safety. It's time to go."

The man stayed inside, stubbornly refusing the assistance.

"No," he shouted back through a window, "I have Faith that God will save me."

The woman and boat moved on, searching for other survivors.

The waters continued to rise, eventually forcing the man up onto his roof where he clung to a chimney and prayed, "I still have faith in You, God. I know that You will save me."

A helicopter came.

The people within lowered a rope asking him to climb up.

He refused.

One of the rescuers lowered himself on another rope and tried to tie the rope around him.

He adamantly wrapped his arms around the chimney, hindering the efforts.

"No," he cried between clenched teeth, "I have Faith that God will save me."

With the storm's winds and rapidly rising water churning around his legs, the rescuer, at last, had to abandon the man to his fate and leave with the helicopter.

Soon after, the storm and the waters claimed the man on the roof -- drowning him.

The man found himself before the pearly gates of Heaven and stood puzzled before God.

"Why?" he asked. "Why? I had Faith that You would save me. Why did I drown when I had such Faith in You?"

God looked down at the man and shook His head sadly. "I sent you a jeep, a boat and a helicopter. What more did you want?"

There are times when we expect God will send help in ways WE want. We seem to tell God how to save us, how to help us, how to behave.

When we do that, often we fail to see God working through others.

God does things His way, not ours.
Limit not His help to our concept.
His ways are not our ways.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Snowball Fight (Story)

Last night, my husband and I emptied a few crates of old paperwork. Among the paperwork was a printout of a virtual snowball fight that ensued between us a few years before we married. At the time, I lived in Northeastern PA and he lived a few states away in southern New England.

As my blog has been a bit serious of late, I wanted to share this with my readers. I do enjoy laughing - including at myself. I hope none take offense, especially the residents of Northeastern PA. In fact, I'd move back there in a heartbeat, the people there are open, friendly and compassionate. :D

So without further chatter, let the snowball fight commence:


To: Tony
From: Tara
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 1996
Subject: Heads up

Have you seen the virtual snowball fights people have these days. Since there’s not much snow here, I’ll scoop up a mostly mudball (with a little snow) and send it your way.

*** MUDBALL ***



To: Tara
From: Tony
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 1996
Subject: Re: Heads up

The mudball sails through the air, heading for its target. Suddenly a flurry of movement. The mudball explodes and returns to you in a shower of dirty snow. Didn't know about the paddle ball paddle did you. While you are dealing with the muddy shower you hear several thumping sounds.

Twenty snow balls (clean) heading your way. Can you say catapults?




To: Tony
From: Tara

Sent: Friday, December 13, 1996

Subject: Re: Heads up

Is that what this brown snow is? The watery mud freezes as it reaches the higher elevations of Northeastern PA. The scattering of moisture mixes with the snow already falling here.

A few snowballs (apparently from your catapult) come hurtling from the sky. As the snowballs come screeching groundward, I yank the oversized rubber tarp off of the back of my landlord's truck. The snowballs hit the outstretched tarp, and spring back at an angle right back at you. (Please note, depending on the weather you have there, you'll either get rain, or one heck of hail storm.)







To: Tara
From: Tony
Date: Monday, December 16, 1996
Subject: Re: Heads up

Seeing the number in incoming snowballs can't be handled with one paddle, I call out a secret weapon kept just for something like this... Just as the snowballs get close, a team of trained beavers jump into action. Each snowball is returned by a whack of a flat beaver tail. Right back at you.


Plus another load from the catapults.

Oh by the way the beavers were team one. If you look at the rubber tarp you will find it cut to shreds by a team of Ninja crayfish. Watch out they pinch!

Looking up from the useless tarp you will see a sky full of snow balls heading your way....




To: Tony
From: Tara

Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 1996

Re: Heads up

Ah‑ha! Foolish man in far away land!

I am prepared for your return fire. For you see I had plugged in the world's largest space heater up on the roof. Since it took a while to heat up, I had to use the tarp last time.

As the snowballs hurtle to Earth, they melt and turn into a softly falling rain.

As for the crayfish... well, let's just say I shouldn't have left the space heater on unattended.
The roof caught on fire and the ropes holding the space heater burnt through. With a crash that reverberated off the lake the space heater came crashing down on the crayfish.

Valiantly attempting to ninja‑leap out of the way, the sheer girth of the world's largest space heater was too much for them. They were cremated on the spot. (Plus the damn heater melted all the snow in the area ‑‑ Oh, well, we have a blizzard moving into the area tonight.)

Heading your way....

By the way, reindeer aren't bright creatures. They assumed that since I'm Irish[-American], I have a running tab at every bar in the area (and there are approximately 527 independent bars in the Scranton area).

Well I told them that they could all buy drinks on me, but that there's not a working rest room anywhere in the state. I gave them directions to your place.


Here comes a dozen (plus Rudolf) drunk reindeer with full bladders....

P.S. I wouldn't use the paddle or beavers with this. It could be messy.


To: Tara
From: Tony
Date: Wednesday, December 18, 1996
Subject: Re: Heads up

Well looks like I don't have to do anything this time, just sit back and watch (with some amazement)... You've done it all yourself. Let’s see, you set fire to the roof, so much for a place to live.

Now about the crayfish, when the rain from the snow balls hit the space heater (sorry worlds largest space heater) it created a huge steam cloud, covering the whole area. The crayfish got away by diving into the lake (melted by the heat from the you-know-what) and quickly out again on the other side. What you thought was them was just some sticks and leaves on the ground.

For you see the space heater (worlds largest) has now fallen into the lake and shorted out.
Zap! So much for the fish, they were electrocuted. But that is not all for you see that between the immense heat and the electricity all of the water in the lake has been vaporized. This with the snow that was already on the ground has resulted in a rapidly rising damp air mass. Can we say thunderstorm (worlds largest); can you say tornado (really big!)? The crayfish are running as fast as they can, dodging lightning and grabbing on to the ground to keep from getting sucked in.

However your neighbors' houses are not so lucky. Every structure around the lake is either fried by lightning (worlds largest) or blown down by the winds (worlds fastest), or smashed by hail stones (worlds biggest) or sucked up buy the tornado (worlds suckyest).

Luckily, due to the cold weather and the fact that the space heater was so short lived the storms die down quickly.
Now all you neighbors, (or is it county) are heading your way. Well at least the tar will be hot and you look good in feathers.

Oh but that's not the last of it, through a combination of the bad weather (worlds craziest) your directions (worlds worst) and being very (527 bars worth) drunk. Those reindeer are back and are now giving a new meaning to the name RAIN-(world's yellowest)-deer.

And this is some downpour (527 bars worth)! The lake will be overflowing in moments, now there is a flood. To add to the horror one should not drink and fly. Some of the reindeer have crashed into the few standing trees and structures, exploding like overfull water balloons (those 527 bars worth full bladders). Looks like Santa maybe flying a little short this year.

Let’s see how the score stands, you've, single-handedly, turned the countryside into a smashed, yellow-flooded, reindeer-bit-covered disaster area. You have a nice coat of tar and feathers and Santa may not be making his deliveries do to a shortage of reindeer.

Well some good news: due to the bad weather (courtesy of Tara, world’s biggest tar and feathered klutz), the return I had set into motion timed to arrive now has been delayed, possibly to next round. Which is just as well, as it may be the only source of fresh water for miles around.



P.S.: The crayfish are back only slightly cooked, swearing that we are crazy.



Bizarre series of disasters have struck a large section of PA.

A series of disasters have struck a large area of PA near Scranton. Everything from bizarre weather, loss of power, riots over bar closings and unheard of attacks by deer population have left a large section of PA under Marshall Law. In Just one day the world seems to have turned upside down. Some are saying the end of the world is coming early. One report blames all the disasters on some strange feathered woman. Here are summaries of some of the reports from this devastated area.

Electric Power To Be Down For Months -
The whole power distribution system around Scranton was destroyed today by a massive power surge. So powerful was the surge that over a hundred miles of power lines have been vaporized, substations have melted down and most of the generators have fused solid. One power company official stated, “It was like someone had plugged in the world’s largest space heater and then shorted it out.” It is estimated that it will take months before minimal power is restored to all customers, and a year before all the destroyed equipment is replaced. It looks like dark ages ahead.

!!! Weather Turns Wild !!! -
Out of nowhere a massive thunderstorm appeared and flattened a section of land 50 miles in diameter around Chapman Lake. One weather man was heard to say, “It was like it rose right out of the ground, like someone had vaporized a whole lake with the world’s biggest space heater.” The resulting massive lightning, huge hailstones (“the size of beach balls”) and tornadoes have fried, smashed or torn up every thing around the lake. None of the locals could be found for comment. It seems they were out chasing something covered in tar and feathers. The massive and sudden warm front has melted all the snow in area of 4,000 square miles. Looks like it won’t be a White Christmas this year.

Massive Flood of Yellow Water -
The Chapman Lake area was hit by a massive flood of yellow water. This water strangely enough is said to smell strongly of liquor, and some hunters say deer. It is assumed that the water is undrinkable. Because of this, all local drinking water is to be assumed contaminated and dangerous to drink. The National Guard is trying to ship in drinking water to the devastated areas.

Over 500 Local Bars Close Do To Lack Of Stock; Local Don't Know How They Will Deal With In‑Laws –
It looks like it will be a dry holiday in upper PA. Bar owners say that reindeer have “drunk them dry” the cost going on one person’s tab. It is feared that if this person can’t cover the massive tabs at all of the bars, these bars will go bankrupt and close for good. At the very least there will be no spirits for the holiday. Without the holiday spirits, most locals can’t face their families. Local police are gearing up for a record number of shootings this holiday season.

Exploding Reindeer Attack Residents -
Strange reports have come in of reindeer flying drunkenly into local structure and exploding in a great burst of yellow fluid and reindeer bits. So far, due to the other disasters in the area, these reports remain unconfirmed.

Santa May Call Off Christmas Deliveries; Children Go into Depression -
A supposed report from Santa Claus states due to the condition of his reindeer he will be unable to make his deliveries this year. It seems some of the deer are so drunk that there is no way they will be sober in time. And if they were, the hangovers would be incapacitating. The rest of the reindeer seem to have exploded in some bizarre accidents. Children, upon hearing this, have gone on hunger strikes, resulting in a crash of the breakfast cereal market. The toy market has also been hit. It may be years before the economy recovers.

Strange Feathered Woman Chased by Hunters -
A report of a strange creature that is said to be covered with feathers and smell strongly of tar is being hunted by residents in the disaster area. When pressed for a statement one of the torch-carrying locals stated that THAT thing was the cause of all the strange events in the area. When asked if it was supposed to be the devil, the local said, “No, just a klutz.” It is clear the mental health of the locals has been affected by all that they have been through.

In wrapping up to deal with of these bizarre happenings, the National Guard of three States have been called in and Marshall law declared. One can only hope that nothing more will go wrong. It would take the biggest klutz in the world to make it worse.....


To: Tony

From: Tara

Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 1996

Subject: RE: Heads up

Guess what! Since one of my neighbors (the one with the feathers) had a video cam and filmed all this. The neighborhood won the grand prize: “America's Funniest Home Video of the Decade.” The award was so large I was able to have all my neighbors sent to Florida or the Bahamas as their homes are being rebuilt and re-landscaped.

As for the yellow lake, with the dropping temperatures in PA, it'll be frozen by daybreak. And with the blizzard arriving overnight, it'll all look fresh, clean and white by this time tomorrow.

To top all this off, my ACME MOUNTAINTOP FULL OF SNOW THROWER just arrived in the mail. I wedge this small thing in a crack in one of the many mountains. Push a button and 'CLICK' the thrower expands to the width of the mountain. Then, after enough snow has fallen, I hit the little red button that says, "Don't push this unless you really, Really, REALLY, RRREEEAAALLLYYY mean it!" TWANG!

The mountain top is projected in your direction, held in the grip of the snow thrower, and what's not attached (snow, cars, a few people and animals) come hurtling your way!





To: Tara
From: Tony
Date: Thursday, December 19, 1996
Subject: Re: Heads up

My jaw drops open, the crayfish scurry for cover, she's done it again... Tara, the disaster that walks...

You are taking a whole mountain and throwing it at me, stopping the mountain suddenly so that all that is not attached comes heading my way. I thought this was supposed to be a snow ball fight; people and cars are not included. You are not winning any brownie points with PA by throwing its citizens and their belongings around. But this isn't going to be the worst of it.

You see those mountains, how do you think they got there? You in the back... Right! The earth moved; massive earth quakes were needed to raise the mountains. Now what do you think throwing one is going to do? The one in green... Yup, I'd say about 6.7 on the Richter Scale. Well, what ever was left standing in northern PA just got shaken down. Congratulations, I think this is the first earth quake in that part of the country since the founding of the US.

By the way, do you know why rockets are launched toward the east? (The crayfish are arranging to evacuate aquatic life from PA.) It’s so they can get a boost from the rotation of the earth. They don't need as much thrust to achieve orbit. Well the denser and more streamlined of the mountain covering is doing just that.

I can see the insurance reports now. “I was just driving down the road, the next thing I know the space shuttle pulled out in front of me.” Most of the cars, people, and houses are going where few have gone before... Tara Trek!

The other stuff, mostly snow dirt and trees goes high but does not quite make it. It falls back, the atmosphere slowing its return. It returns to earth. But while it has been flying around, the Earth has moved below it... in an eastwardly direction... see where I'm heading? Lookup, you will see where your mountain is heading... right down on you!

But before it arrives, remember the thing I said had been delayed due to your weather? Well it did manage to come through. A delivery man comes to you with a small box and asks you to sign for the delivery. After you finished, you very carefully open the box.

Inside is a snow ball and a note. The note says more behind you. You turn around just in time to see the three truck loads of snow balls dumped on top of you. (The delivery people get the hell out of there, lead by a few frantic crayfish.)

Of course being buried under snow balls may not be that bad. You are safe from any locals (who can still walk), that might be hunting you. But that they are not the real problems.

Remember all those reindeer you had blown up or otherwise incapacitated for over a year? Well... there are a lot of very mad and very sexually frustrated does looking for you. Being under that snow isn't so bad now is it?

But wait! There's more! Remember the yellow rain? Remember it smelt strongly of liquor? Well that's because it was mostly alcohol (500+ bars worth). Now take quartz and iron glass created by the lightning, shake together hard (the earthquake) we get sparks! Yup, your lake has exploded and a lot of the surrounding land has burst into flames. Since a lot of the alcohol had soaked into the ground we have geysers of flame all over the place. Northern PA will be burning for weeks. No White Christmas now. Now the snow is keeping your feathers from getting burnt.

But wait, THERE'S MORE!! The does that were looking for you were flying low over the area looking for you when the earthquake struck and the place turned into the world’s largest rotisserie oven. Once more the snow protects you, this time from being pelted to death by hot, well done reindeer steaks.

When they have stopped falling, you might want to stay under a little longer for now by the mountain-load of stuff you sent up has arrived. The hot air and alcohol vapor is compressed and forced out through the sides. A ring of flame sprays out vaporizing the snow for hundreds of miles. The Independence Day aliens are envious; so much for a White Christmas in the northeastern part of North America. All that is left is a small mound of snow with guess who inside. Hint: she smells like tar, looks like feathers.

By the way flying reindeer might be extinct. We don't know if any of the does survived.

Well I have to go help with the disaster relief effort for PA. I hear that the state will be quarantined. Every one is afraid of whatever is causing these events from getting out (is being a klutz contagious?). I will try to send you a news report. Try to stay out of trouble.





More Weirdness in PA; Bizarre Events Spreading

Not only have more previously unheard of events hit upper PA, but now the area of weirdness is spreading even to earth orbit. Here are summaries of some of the more interesting events. At this point, the reports of a massive earthquake, lakes exploding into flame, massive rings of fire and the sky falling (again) don't even get a yawn.

Mountain Jumps
- A mountain on the edge of the area of the bizarre events was reported to jump into the air. Witnesses (though we don’t understand why anyone would be anywhere near this crazy land) reported that the mountain leapt into the air shaking off all of its covering. Houses, cars, people, deer, snow; everything went flying. One local was heard to state “The hills are alive! And they itch!”

Manna Tastes Like Venison
- A Scranton, PA area local, who had been pinned under rubble for over 24 hours, had been has been found. The man kept from starving by eating what he called “Manna from Heaven. I was so hungry and cold, I though I would die when suddenly the earth shook the sky lit up and then bits of manna fell from the sky.” The lucky survivor stated. “It was just like fresh roasted venison, very tender.” Meanwhile, most local restaurants (those with a roof) are selling steaks cheap.

Space Shuttle Hit by Volkswagen -
The space shuttle had to end its mission early when it was struck by a woman driving a Volkswagen. The woman complained that the shuttle didn't signal as it was passing. Police forces are still trying to write up the accident report.

Massive Crayfish Migration -
A massive exodus of crayfish from the affected area has been reported. These usual shy critters appear to be leaving any way possible. It has even been reported that several delivery trucks have been high-jacked by the fear-crazed crustaceans. In a possibly related report, people around the world who are making snow balls have been attacked by crayfish.


To: Tony
From: Tara

Sent: Thursday, December 19, 1996

Subject: RE: Heads up

The mound of snowballs shifts slightly. For a moment one feathered hand (smelling like tar) appears, as the top snowball is tossed aside.

The hand disappears back into the mound. A stick slowly rises in its stead a few minutes later.

Something white unfurls at its top. It looks like ‑‑ can it be? ‑‑ white bikini briefs. Can this strange feathered creature (that smells like tar) actually have been wearing underwear?

Anyway, the snow balls are freezing my rear end. How about getting a rescue squad out my way??? I’M COLD!!! I GIVE UP!!! OK!?


-ESA (Tara)

PS: No people, animals, fictional characters beloved of children, homes, lakes, landscapes, or space shuttles were harmed in generating the above fictional work. :D

Thursday, January 21, 2010


While many are blogging on Haiti, I thought I would just add my own quiet thoughts.

I've heard some say that Haiti is one of the signs of the end times.
I've heard some say that Haitians made a pact with the devil and this is their undoing.
I've heard some say that God is using Haiti to show the world His Power and that He's really pissed.
I've heard some say that Christ is working down there as more are recovered alive from the rubble.
I've heard some say that Haiti is an opportunity for the world to show some Love and kindness.

I've heard stories that there is pillaging among the ruins.
I've heard stories that there is lynching of those caught pillaging.
I've heard stories that there are women and girls raped in the aftermath.
I've heard stories that these rapes have happened long before the earthquake.

I've heard stories that donations are diverted to administration.
I've heard stories that some collecting for Haiti are lining their pockets.
I've heard stories that we all need to watch for those who call looking for money for Haiti.
I've heard stories that food and water sit on the tarmac as logistical problems are being worked on.

If one spends just an hour on Twitter, talks with a group of people, or watches a string of news footage, there are many good and bad things heard about post-quake Haiti.

My take is simply this: These are people that are hungry and homeless and many are desperately poor. With our global connectedness today, we can no longer see someone that needs help in a part of our world and claim they are not OUR NEIGHBORS.

Haiti was a desperately poor country - there are others in this world too, but we forget that.

Then something happens that brings the area to news around the world - and the world responds.

It's occurred to others too: can one answer as to "Why Haiti?" be because we - the HUMAN RACE - need to be more aware of what is going on in the rest of the world? Can we be active in helping our neighbors?

The global outreach to Haiti seems to state clearly - Yes, we can.

How often do we turn off, tune out or flip the channel away from the commercials and infomercials that show hungry children in "remote" parts of the world? How often do we avert our eyes from the homeless and hungry within a mile or two from where we live?

Times are lean economically for MANY people today. Personally, though, I've found it hard to take that first bite of a burger or dig into a healthy dinner plate without the thought that many in the world are very VERY hungry and will not have such...

My heart is gladdened - it SINGS - when I see and hear about people helping those in Haiti.
Then I wonder... how long will it last?
Like the cartoonist.

PS: Credit given to Tom Toles whose political cartoon is above.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lion and the Little Mouse (Story)

This is a story moved from my other blog. At one time I was able to post a new story almost every Sunday. While I can't do so now, I would like to share this one with you today. Please enjoy...

Lion and the Little Mouse (c) 2008

One day a little white mouse was scurrying about trying to prepare for the cold dark winter days ahead. She was a tiny thing, even for a mouse, but she had a very big heart.

Before making her own preparations, she stopped to help others first. By the time she started her own preparations, there wasn't much left in reach.
The little mouse ranged further and further from the safety of her home looking for what she needed to survive the cold dark winter days ahead.

On one of these long journeys, she broke through the tall golden autumn grass and found herself practically nose to nose with a lion that had been resting there. Her whiskers quivered in fear and a piercing startled squeak leapt from her throat on its own volition.

Her squeak must have awakened the sleeping lion for he opened his golden eyes and gazed calmly at her.

Realizing she had just disturbed the King of all the Animals, the little mouse hunkered down and lowered her round white ears.
"I- I'm sorry, Your Great Majesty, for disturbing your rest," she timidly squeaked and quickly turned to scamper off.

The lion's quick paw came down gently but firmly on her little white tail pinning her there, regardless of how fast her paws scrambled against the ground. The poor little mouse was now terrified and she froze in horror with the realization that she was now trapped.

The lion smiled gently and picked the little mouse up by her tail and lightly placed her on his other paw, bringing her closer to his penetrating gaze.

Though sunlight sparkled from his own whiskers, t
he little mouse couldn't peel her eyes from the sharp white teeth that were now clearly visible.

A gentle chuckle rose from the lion's broad chest. "Don't be afraid, little mouse. I am not hungry nor do I toy with you. What brings such a little mouse so far from her home?"

"Oh, please, Your Majesty! I was just preparing for the dark winter days ahead. All the supplies within reach were already gathered near my home so I had to go further out this year seeking what I need. Please just let me go and I'll be on my way. I did not wish to disturb you."

"And why did you not gather what you needed before now, little mouse?"

"I helped some of my friends and neighbors to make sure they were ready for the cold dark winter days ahead. That is why I had a late start. Again, kind Lion, please let me go and I'll be on my way."

"Not so fast, little mouse. Why did you not seek help of your friends and neighbors when you set out to gather your own supplies?"

"I am still young and able. I do not wish to be a burden to anyone as long as I am able to do for myself."

"Ah!" commented the lion. "But now you are far from home and alone. But you are not truly alone; for I am here. I will help you."

"You?!?" squeaked the mouse curling her tiny ears back along her head. "Why would the King of all the Animals want to help a little mouse like me?"

The lion smiled knowingly and lowered the mouse to the ground. "There may be a day when I need your help."

Puzzled the little white mouse tilted her head back to look up at the lion that towered over her; the sunlight danced in his noble mane so very, very far above her. "If there is ever a time when you need my help, I am willing to do so. But you do not need to help me now, Noble Lion."

The lion's smile broadened and his golden eyes sparkled with a secret knowledge. "Even if you believe that now, little mouse, I will help you. It will make your quest easier and you will be ready for the cold dark winter days ahead."

And so the lion helped the little white mouse, lifting her high so she could reach what she needed. He even carried the little mouse and her supplies back to her home.

"I thank you, friend Lion," squeaked the little mouse from her doorway. "And if you ever need any help that I can provide, I will gladly do so. But I still cannot think HOW a little mouse like myself will be able to help the King of all the Animals."

The lion smiled knowingly and nodded his acceptance of her thanks and timid offer of help. "We shall see what the future holds."

Some days later, the lion was out on patrol. The nearby man's village was growing and pushing the animal’s territory into a smaller and smaller area. It was near sundown on this day, and the construction site had been abandoned by the workers. Curious as to what they were doing to the land that was once lived in by the animals he ruled, he wandered among the buildings and poked his whiskered white tipped nose here and there sniffing.

It wasn't long before his great forepaw came down on a small steel roofing nail. At first it didn't hurt as much, but the more he tried to work it out, the deeper the nail bit into his paw. At last the pain was too great and an agonized roar escaped his throat.

All the animals heard their King's roar of pain. They all ran, scampered and trotted toward the sound. But each and every one of the animals stopped at the edge of construction site.

None would dare enter where humans have tread, even to help their King.

The lion by then was in such pain he couldn't walk the distance back to where the animals were. "Please, help me!" begged the lion. "The nail has bitten deep into my paw and I cannot get it out!"

None of the animals moved, but the crowd observing their King's pain grew as more and more animals arrived at the scene. At last the little white mouse also arrived. She had to weave in and out of all the other animals to see what the commotion was about.

When she saw her lion friend hurt in the middle of what man had made, she turned to the other animals. "Can't you see he's in pain? Why has no one gone to help him?"

"Foolish little mouse!" growled the black panther. "That's man's world. Even I will not go there. If that lion decided to enter into man's world, he's on his own. We will not risk own hides to help him."

The little mouse's whiskers quivered in rage. " How can you say that? Isn't he your King as well as mine? I don't care where he is, I'll go over there and help him."

With a swish of her long white tail, she scampered over the embankment and entered the construction site.
In a few minutes she was once again before the lion, her sides heaving from the long run.

The lion looked down at the little white mouse with pain in his golden eyes and he looked back across the way at all the gathered animals. "Why is it only you who has come to my aide?" he asked.

"They don't want to enter man's world; they're afraid." She looked around herself with wide panicked eyes. "I'm a bit frightened too, but I remembered my promise to you. I'll help if I can. But I'm so little I don't know if my services will do you any good."

"Yes, you can help, little friend." The lion stretched forth the forepaw. "There is a nail in my paw and it hurts something fierce."

The little mouse scurried over the great paw and tilted her white head as she studied the nail. "It's such a little nail. It's actually a bit smaller than I am." She stood up on her hindpaws and gripped the nail with both forepaws.

Then she pulled with all her might.

The lion hissed a moment as the nail pulled free and then sighed greatly in relief. "Thank you, little friend. That is much better."

He lowered his shoulder to the little mouse. "Get on my back, little mouse. I will carry you home. You have come a great distance to help me."
She gratefully hopped on his shoulder and climbed the rest of the way to his spine where she comfortably settled herself at the base of his golden mane. As she rode back through the construction site, she noted the look of all the gathered animals.

They were not happy.

Though they did not want to help the lion, they were not happy that she received special treatment because she did.

She felt even more timid and her tummy started to flutter. "Friend Lion......" she began hesitantly.

"Yes, little mouse?" answered the lion as he gazed over his shoulder at her.

"Can I ask something of you... I'm very grateful for all your help before and for the ride now, but what I did was such a small thing. Please don't treat me any differently than the other animals."

The lion paused and fixed the little white mouse with his golden gaze. "But you are the one who came out to help me where no one else would go."

"To me it doesn't matter. I'd help you out of friendship, not for a reward. Please, Your Majesty, I'm just a little mouse, shy like all my kind. Don't you see the way the others glare in my direction. I'm not comfortable way up high like this. Just let me be me and free, that is what I desire."

"If you are certain, so shall it be, my little friend." So the lion lowered his shoulder and let her scamper down, walking by her side all the way to her home.

At her front door the lion added, "I shall not forget this, friend, even if everyone else does. Call on me if you ever need help again."

The mouse smiled warmly. "Thank you, friend Lion. And if I can ever help you again, don't hesitate to call on me."

And they were good friends ever since.


Much thanks and credit given to Aesop who originally collected a similar story.

I give the reader the right to copy, share and repost this story provided it is not changed and provided you do not gain any monetary profit in doing so.


Desiderata (Poem)

This past week has been a bad week. Not just for myself, but seemingly for many. Whether it is many little things all hitting at once, or a major catastrophe like the earthquake in Haiti.

I was struggling to say something I felt within - about trying to focus on the positive when the negative comes into your life. But I had come to realize, the words were already written. So instead, I present to you Desiderata:


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Faith (True Story)

This story was sent to me via email and I wanted to share it with my readers. :D
This dog was born on Christmas Even in the year 2002. He was born with two legs.
He, of course, could not walk when he was born. Even his mother did not want him.
His first owner also did not think that he could survive and he was thinking of "putting him to sleep."

But then his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him.
She became determined to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself.
She named him "Faith."
In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let him feel the movement.
Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and reward for him standing up and jumping around.
Even the other dog at home encouraged him to walk.
Amazingly, only after six months, like a miracle, Faith learned to balance on his hind legs and to jump to move forward.
After further training in the snow, he could now walk like a human being.
Faith loves to walk around now.
No matter where he goes, he attracts people to him. He is fast becoming famous on the international scene and has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows.
He was even considered to appear in one of the Harry Potter movies.

There is now a book entitled "With a Little Faith" being published about him.
His present owner, Jude Stringfellow, has given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world to preach that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul.
In life, there are always undesirable things, so in order to feel better you just need to look at life from another direction.
I hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone and that everyone will appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day.

Faith is the continual demonstration of the strength and wonder of life.
A small request: All you are asked to do is keep this story circulating.


Monday, January 11, 2010

One of Them

In addition to the previous post, I'd like to mention another response to Avatar.
In the movie, there are bio-technological hybrid bodies, called avatars that a human can remotely control to interact with Pandora's indigenous humanoid race. While the concept of remote-mind-controlled devices isn't new (especially in science-fiction), I recall wishing I had one too to go in and help the locals.
As I sat in the theater, caught up in the movie, I found myself longing to be part of that world. Not just a visitor, but like Jake Sully, able to be ONE with the people, learn their ways, interact with them on their level in a body just like theirs...
Then something blossomed in my mind. What about this world?
Am I not a part of this world? Have I not learned the ways of this world and interact with the indigenous humanoids of this world? Do I not already possess a body just like theirs?
What, then, is the difference between going several light-years away and helping another race of humanoids and staying right here and helping the ones in this world? There exists here the same corruption, corporate greed and overuse of military power here as what was shown in the movie.
What is stopping me from trying? Why do I long to help another far away, but run and hide from the same here?


In seeing the movie Avatar yesterday, I left the theater with several things rolling through my head. Among them was how everything on Pandora was connected, not only spiritually but also through a "vast bio-botanical neural network."

I found it fascinating that the native humanoids, the Na'vi, could connect to life around them not only in a spiritual way alone, or by the touch of a hand, but by interconnecting a part of themselves with a similar part found in both plant and animals of their world. This ability to physically and psychically connect with other life likely developed a culture that holds a great respect for all life. They believe there is a life-energy that flows through themselves and every other life form, interconnecting them.

My husband noted that those who work closely with nature may better understand how a life can be connected to the non-human life around you: the chickens laying eggs, the plants growing in the fields, the bees needed to pollinate those plants, and all other insect, plant and animal life that may help or hinder your efforts to procure food or goods from the land. He speaks of a thankfulness one feels for all that contributed when it’s harvested and ready for consumption or use.

As a child, my food came from the supermarket, not the fields. Many times I've said a prayer before the meal, but never associated what was on the plate with "life." While I learned differently since childhood, scenes where the Na'vi did not let another life suffer needlessly and thanked their kills for the food, brought it home again inside me.

There is another aspect of connectedness I took from the movie as well. I believe we're connected to all other human beings in this world. Much as we separate ourselves from nature behind shuttered windows, walls and doors, we also strive to separate ourselves from each other in this world. We draw lines on a map, categorize what "race" or ethnic-background with which we identify ourselves, amplify gender-gaps, box ourselves in organization charts, divide ourselves by religious beliefs, etc.

But we are all human beings. A smile is a smile, readily exchanged with another. We are all one race on one small planet. And we are not the only life in this world.

When was the last time I walked outside my door to connect with another life in this world? Another human being? The fact that I have to think to answer that question is sad. And is something I should remedy...

One human race.
One small world.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Imagine an Embrace

Change in perspective can make a difference.

Things haven't been good at my current company and my boss makes me increasingly irritable. The last three days, I've yearned for spare time to send out resumes and look for a new job, but I've been swamped with work.

At first, I resented the workload increase, especially as it was minimal to non-existent over the last few months. I glared at my boss' back after he'd leave more work on the ever-growing pile on my desk. I even started to bring up images how I'd like to see him "get his" in various scenarios.

This afternoon, something clicked in my head, bringing something to mind. Back in 2008, I had this color image pinned on the wall beside my laptop screen.

One day, a DHL delivery-man entered my office so I could sign for a package. While I scrawled my signature, his eyes were drawn to this print. He commented that he liked the image of Christ embracing the little girl.

When I opened my mouth to respond in the pause, he jumped back in and added, "You know, it's a nice image when you're down. But whenever you have an enemy or someone who's giving you trouble, you should also picture that person in Christ's embrace as well."

Then he smiled, took the correct spelling of my last name and walked out.

I no longer have that image but have another pinned to the wall in it's place. But the message is still the same.

I was upset at my boss and I decided to try that advice. I pictured him in Christ's embrace and ... my perspective changed.

Had I written about my boss this morning, I would have told you how he keeps dumping meaningless work on me just to get back at me because I refused to do something last week. I would have blogged how he's trying to prove that he's still "the man in charge." That is how I've increasingly felt over the last few days.

The Truth, however, is that we DID get busy after the first of the year. I should be happy; we have some sign of recovery to the business. In fact, the company just received it's first order in over 6 months today!

I was frustrated that I couldn't use company time to look for another job instead of focusing on doing an honest day's work for the pay I should be grateful to receive.

I don't know how my perspective changed as it did. Considering the level of animosity I held for my boss, it WAS difficult to picture him in Christ's embrace. It took a few attempts to succeed. But when it did... WOW!

Picture them in His embrace.
He Loves them too.