Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Imagine an Embrace

Change in perspective can make a difference.

Things haven't been good at my current company and my boss makes me increasingly irritable. The last three days, I've yearned for spare time to send out resumes and look for a new job, but I've been swamped with work.

At first, I resented the workload increase, especially as it was minimal to non-existent over the last few months. I glared at my boss' back after he'd leave more work on the ever-growing pile on my desk. I even started to bring up images how I'd like to see him "get his" in various scenarios.

This afternoon, something clicked in my head, bringing something to mind. Back in 2008, I had this color image pinned on the wall beside my laptop screen.

One day, a DHL delivery-man entered my office so I could sign for a package. While I scrawled my signature, his eyes were drawn to this print. He commented that he liked the image of Christ embracing the little girl.

When I opened my mouth to respond in the pause, he jumped back in and added, "You know, it's a nice image when you're down. But whenever you have an enemy or someone who's giving you trouble, you should also picture that person in Christ's embrace as well."

Then he smiled, took the correct spelling of my last name and walked out.

I no longer have that image but have another pinned to the wall in it's place. But the message is still the same.

I was upset at my boss and I decided to try that advice. I pictured him in Christ's embrace and ... my perspective changed.

Had I written about my boss this morning, I would have told you how he keeps dumping meaningless work on me just to get back at me because I refused to do something last week. I would have blogged how he's trying to prove that he's still "the man in charge." That is how I've increasingly felt over the last few days.

The Truth, however, is that we DID get busy after the first of the year. I should be happy; we have some sign of recovery to the business. In fact, the company just received it's first order in over 6 months today!

I was frustrated that I couldn't use company time to look for another job instead of focusing on doing an honest day's work for the pay I should be grateful to receive.

I don't know how my perspective changed as it did. Considering the level of animosity I held for my boss, it WAS difficult to picture him in Christ's embrace. It took a few attempts to succeed. But when it did... WOW!

Picture them in His embrace.
He Loves them too.


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post!

    And this imaginative Blessing of someone you're angry with works!

    And the hug you give someone you're angry with in this way has no chance of having ANY residual animosity from you because it's Christ Love you're hugging him/her with.

    LOVE this! Thank You.


    PS Visiting from Twitter... Thanks for RT'ing ;-)
