Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sharing Some Fun

A few weeks ago, in a mischievous moment, I scribbled the following poem on a post-in note and left it in the bathroom that several small companies share on my floor.
There was once a time
When one could rhyme
Upon a bathroom wall.
But with a small note
And lighthearted joke
None take a fall.
Before the end of the day, there were several more notes posted on the bathroom wall. Some were just silly doodles, others were rhymes or comments on another's post. There was even a conversation between anonymous writers.
In a few days, everyone on the floor was laughing about what was being posted beside the toilet. Some even added a few blank ones in various colors to encourage more people to write something. 
One visitor commented, "This is great; I'm entertained when I go in there."
Here's a challenge for any reader that is up to it. Take a post it note, add a small quote, and leave it somewhere for a joke. You may just help someone smile.

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