Saturday, June 23, 2012

Danger Zone

Lately I've run into a lot of gay-bashing online and on the news. Given the political clime, it's not surprising. It's just sad. This blog post is not to point any fingers (you already know who you are), it's meant as a warning - to all.
When, in your mind / heart you bind another to a set of laws, rules or restrictions, you yourself are bound to the same set of laws, rules and restrictions. Most prefer the "pick and choose" method, whereby they pick one rule (such as homosexual sex) and forget that God will now hold them strictly and personally accountable for the rest of the package - not the person to whom they point their fingers.
Christ warned us of this time after time. There's the Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have done unto you) and the Lord's Prayer and other teachings where He clearly states we must forgive the mistakes of all others or our own will not be forgiven.
I can rant far and wide on this subject, but I only have limited time this morning. So I will say it bluntly. When you hold another person to ONE law in the Old Testament, you bind yourself - not the other - to ALL the laws of the Old Testament. Now ask yourself, do you:
  • Eat shrimp, lobster, clams, or any other shellfish? (Leviticus 11:10)
  • Round out your hair, trim your beard or - perish the thought! - shave? (Leviticus 19:27)
  • Play football or touch something made with pigskin leather? (Leviticus 11:8)
  • Eat bacon, sausage, ham, or pork? (Leviticus 11:8)
  • Eat or touch any on the long list of animals? (Leviticus 11)
  • Eat anything that is not Kosher or prepared in a Kosher manner? (same)
  • Touch a dead body (even a beloved pet, family member or friend who departed)? Numbers 19:11
  • Wear polyester or any other cloth that is made of more than one type of fiber (any percent)? Double check your shoes. (Leviticus 19:19)
  • Have a tattoo or body piercings (including ear lobes)? (Leviticus 19:28)
  • Read the horoscope or open a fortune cookie? (Leviticus 19:31)
Do we continue to point fingers?
Do we see "sin" in others but not ourselves?
Or do we remove the plank that blinds us even today?

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