Monday, June 25, 2012

Challenging Question

There is a question that should be asked. Whether the end-times will occur in 2012, this afternoon or some point in the distant future, many across several beliefs believe it will happen. Of which, many describe this period as turbulent, including large natural and man-made devastations.
Some fervently hope to escape from these fearful visions of doom and destruction. Many choose to become followers, clinging to the understanding that to follow means to avoid these worldly horrors - to become "raptured."
I find it amusing that there is a similar mindset in the Cthulhu mythos. It's said that the following is a conversation with a follower of this belief:

  • "Why do you follow this faith?"
  • "So I can be a chosen one."
  • "And what do you believe?"
  • "When Cthulhu rises, mankind will face horrors beyond knowing, there will be death, destruction, and a period of time when people will BEG to die."
  • "And what about the chosen of Cthulhu?"
  • "We will be the first to be eaten."
  • "WHAT?"
  • "Think about it carefully. If all that will follow is true, would you want to stick around for long and have to live through it?"
While it may disgust some of my readers that I parallel Christians with followers of some squid-headed deity, I hope it illustrated the point.
Many will convert just to get the ticket-out-of-hell-on-earth via Rapture.
What if you were asked to stay?
Yes, if you are a good follower with a loving heart committed to Christ, and you were asked to stay behind after the Rapture.
Those left behind would need some guidance.
If the world is going to go through such dark times, one can safely assume a complete disruption in our current technology. Forget about the internet, the phone may not even work - landline as well as cell.
It would be a dark world on many levels...
All that could help people "left behind"... are people, face-to-face and hand-in-hand, particularly those with a loving forgiving heart willing to face a future far more horrifying than Hollywood could conspire to create.
If you were presented the choice to Love God, Love Jesus / Yeshua with such a commitment that you were willing to literally face hell-on-earth for Him, would you?
Or would you flee for the next one selling the easy-way out?
This is a challenging question indeed.

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