Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Inner Song

In days before Twitter
before 3G technology
before YouTube
before iPods
before DVD's
before cell phones
before CD's
before Bulletin Boards
before the Internet
before PC's
before satellite dishes
before VHS (and Beta)
before cordless phones
before cassette tapes
before cable TV
before pushbutton phones
before 45's and LP's
before color television
before television
before records (78's et al.)
before radio
before telephones....

In a time before all the distractions we've inundated ourselves with, there was a time when one could sit for a moment and listen to the silence. But in that silence, there was a song - a melody with a message that arose from within our hearts.

That song is still within us, but with all the constant and ever-increasing diversions with which we surround ourselves, we no longer hear it; nor do we take the time to listen.

When our world (personal or global) is in chaos, what do we do? Do we continue to turn to the conundrum and try to find one message that answers "What do I do?" Or do we finally break from the noise and listen to the song within each and everyone of us?

There are a few letters that people have passed around and posted (google "Jesus Letter"); one of my favorites is "Love Letter from Jesus" (or similar) within which is this passage:

"Do not be concerned with yourself.
You are My responsibility.
but not when you are trying.
I won't fight your efforts."

I find this to be very true, in my life and in the lives of others. If we listen to the song - the Word sung within our heart - He guides us. But when we are headstrong and seize control of our lives, He will not fight us but will stand by our side as we fumble, waiting for us to take the time and listen.

As adults, we learned to take control of our own lives. Very few have placed their complete trust in God and said, "OK - lead me. Where are we going?"

It's hard - very, very difficult, in fact -- but still possible.

How many of us choose to dance to the song found in our hearts instead of the one playing on the multimedia equipment we possess?

Only when things are out of control do we turn to God, when our world is chaos and we can no longer dance to the broken songs outside ourselves no matter how hard we try.

And sadly, more often than not, when we allow God to help us back to our feet, we take back control over our lives, forgetting the guidance that still sings within our hearts and dance again to the beat of another.

Take a moment -- today, tomorrow, each day -- to just pause and listen to the song within your heart. It's there day and night. What does it sing to you? Try to dance to that beat. Even if it's only a few steps, it's a start. And little steps lead to bigger ones.

I'm not saying cut yourself from the world (I'm not, obviously). But allocate some quiet time to listen within the silence to a song sung through the millennia into humanity's hearts, but is currently overwhelmed.

Be Still
.... and Dance!


1 comment:

  1. amen....sometimes I have to remember to just be still....
