Friday, April 17, 2009

Dollar Donation Does It

Skimming the headlines today, this article ( titled "Mystery donors give $45 million to colleges" caught my eye. At first I was as impressed that so much was given anonymously, and I also questioned "where did that money come from?" It seems like the money is honest and that is quite an impression donation - moreso if it's just one person instead of a group or company. No one knows except the lawyers who represent this donor.

But then I got to thinking.... While my husband has been out of work for a while and I don't earn that much, we still donate where and when we can -- a dollar here, a dollar there. But compared to $45 million, what does a mere dollar do?

But if 45 million people contributed just one dollar - and there's far more than that in this world - collectively we can do quite a lot with just one little dollar. Many charities are feeling the pinch as much, if not more than, everyone affected by today's economy. But if enough people could donate just a little - a dollar donation does it - collectively we can help those in even greater needs than ourselves.


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