Thursday, April 23, 2009

Legend and Lessons

I have a feeling someone left me a message where I would find it. Said message read,

You can not be selfish and save all from the darkness,
As saving one from the darkness into the Light of God....
One is taken by the darkness
Because of the balance of the universe and life

There can not be love without hate
Light without darkness
Heaven without hell...
As the universe depends on the eternal balance

For those who wonder where such words can flow, they are from the movie "Legend." While they sound wise, one must also acknowledge they are being said by a devil / demon while he is in a desperate moment... His nails were dug deep - sparks eminating from the stone - as he was thrust back, back into the darkness into which he had been banashed by the Light. Evidently, this character did not want to go there and would do anything - say anything - to get another chacter --- a human character, Jack -- to help him so he would not have to return to that cold darkness away from the Light.

It saddens me that one would listen to those words spoken by that character and thow it in my face as truth. It's not truth. Not at all. All things are possible with God. If anything, we're unballanced as we are not where we are meant to be. But the more we reach that point of growing in the right direction, the darkness will redouble it's efforts and try to drag us back into the darkness.

I have to wonder when I recall the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Humanity allegedly had eaten from the Tree of Knowlege; why then do we seem to be so blind to the truth? Why do we not see the lies AS lies?

In simple truth, when one moves towards God there is NO requirement for another to move toward darkness. But the darkness wants us to think there is. When more and more move toward God there is harmony and Love, not unballance. When we move toward God we move into Light and Love and our eyes are washed so we can see past these petulant little lies to the Truth.

The darkness will do its best to influence us in many different ways, but it's sphere of control is starting to shrink even as it creates the illusion that it's growing. Those the darkness attracts, seek to better themselves, in this does the darkness fall for without the unity and harmony and Love found in the Light, those in darkness will scatter and fall as chaff in the winds of change.


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