Monday, May 6, 2013

Elementary, Mr. Watson

Today my husband and I attended our first Men on the Tor event. It's a group that enjoys the Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, one of my husband's favorite authors.
Today's event was at a State Park called "Devil's Hopyard" but the devil seemed to be quite far. The sky was so clear that near the end of the event the coordinator pointed to the only wispy cloud that marred the blue dome overhead - the only cloud seen the whole time.
While we sat with the group at the picnic, I was prompted to look around and really take it all in. Sherlock Holmes was known for his keen observation, after all.
There were many people in the park: hiking, biking, playing catch, eating, running, playing, laughing... even romancing.
There was life all around, from giggling toddlers to smiling seniors. I even saw a middle-aged woman drawing with chalk on the pavement.
When Christ lived here, He was aware of all around Him; children brought Him delight.
I had a smile moment too, when one barged into the toilet with a broken lock. Without embarrassment, she simply closed the door and called to her mom that there was some lady in there. The sweetness of innocence. :D
On Monday I need to be in the office at 6:30 am to move all the furniture back and rewire the office after the painters came through this weekend. Then I have a long work day after that. 
All too quickly, this world with its responsibilities, schedules, requirements and demands intrudes into our Peace.
How do we deal with it all?
Elementary, my dear. Take the time to refresh ourselves. Even if we cannot visit distant parks between meetings, we can still take a five-minute break in prayer ~ anywhere.
God can deliver some of that refreshment to the place where we are ~ anytime.
And God doesn't expect tips.

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