Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Burying Hatred

In past two days, my ears caught a news story that a fellow Nutmegger offered a family plot gratis to bury the body of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, as the funeral home tending the body cannot find a place that would accept it for decent burial.
The one condition Paul Keane requested is that it be done in memory of his mother, who taught Sunday school. Among her teachings was Christ's message: Love your enemies.
There has been much outcry and protest about this particular burial. Tamerlan can no longer do us any harm; he has already met his Maker and faced the only true Judgement there is.
Why do people still attack the corpse like a pack of feral dogs? Have we become like the terrorists we abhor?
The funeral home has come under attack, and Keane has also since his noble offer. I wonder, have the acts of terror instilled such hatred and fear into our hearts? This Nation was founded on Christian values.
When Christ came into this world, there was no room for Him. He was born where they kept the animals.
When Christ died as a criminal, there was no tomb for him. But Joseph of Aramathea, whose heart was touched by Yeshua / Jesus, offered his own unused plot to bury the body.
Would these same protesters hurl insults at the innkeeper and Joseph, and insist that no one should do business with them again because of the Compassionate acts?
I am not saying Tamerlan is anything like Christ. But I am saying that Keane's offer and the funeral home's efforts are based on Love and Compassion that Christ inspires.
Both are following in the steps of Joseph of Aramethea, helping a distraught mother to see her son's body decently buried.
The King will reply, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."                      (Matthew 25:40)
"I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me." (Matthew 25:45)
Which to follow
Love or hate?
This is choice
We all must make

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