Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What is the Other Message?

During a long drive this past weekend, my husband and I listened to a commercial and it brought to mind one of our long-standing conversations - what ELSE is the commercial saying?
  • In this radio ad, there was a teenage girl sobbing her eyes out that her figure and face wasn't as pretty as those in the magazines. The consoling mother knew just what to do - take the girl shopping to the local outlets stores. The teenage girl instantly stopped her sobbing and cheered right up. Loving mother even commented on how happy her daughter now was.
The obvious message - shop at the local outlet stores - had an additional message. If we don't like what we see in the mirror, go shopping. After all, material goods BUYS happiness!
  • A cologne commercial on TV has all the girls dismissing this guy until he starts wearing this particular cologne. Then the girls stream out of no where and hang all over this guy, clinging to his every word, look, gesture, and - to a significant degree - body part.
The obvious marketing message - buy this cologne - is heavily influenced by the message that, as a society, guys WANT women to hang all over them. If the women aren't, there MUST be something wrong with you, so go out and buy more products: scents, designer clothes, sports cars, etc. so women will swoon over you too. After all, it's not WHO you are but WHAT you can buy that makes you a person of worth!
  • A commercial aired during a children's television show had an animated rabbit talking with a glum-looking group of kids. The mother of one of kids comes back from shopping. No one goes to help. The rabbit gets the kids to ask if they can have the chocolate flavored milk IF they help. Then the kids immediately descend on the car and help carry in the groceries. They line up with big smiles right after the chocolate powder (first and only thing removed from the grocery bags) is out.
The commercial message - buy this chocolate powder - has several other messages. First, the children need this chocolate powder to be happy. (And I'm sure I'm not the only adult who has seen a child throw a temper-tantrum, a hissy-fit, or just pout/mope because (s)he didn't get chocolate-flavored milk.) Second, don't ever volunteer to help one another; instead demand "what's in it for me?" Third, as soon as you reached the goal you wish to accomplish - stop helping. And finally, if you are bored – eat and/or drink something. It will alleviate boredom AND make you happy. Is this really what we want to teach our children?
  • There is a candy commercial that also broadcasts during children's shows. A teen / tween is hanging out on some picnic tables under a pavilion with some friends his age. He is eating some candy. One of his friends asks "can I have some?" At which point this guy pauses and slugs his friend - hard - knocking him out.
Well beyond the "buy this candy" message. There a startlingly horrifying message. Not only do you NOT want to share, you ATTACK someone who just asks for something? What does this teach our children?!? What does it teach the adults? Is this how we view society today?
  • The same candy has another commercial where one older teen walks into the room and if his friend has eaten the candy out of the hour glass. The other denies it. The teen starts to age dramatically, so the one sitting there comments, “Well, maybe just one or two..” and continues to eat the candy while watching his friend become a sad, old man.
In addition to "buy this candy" message, we are taught that your should lie to keep out of trouble. When caught in the lie (with evidence shown) that we should still lie while confessing it’s just “one or two.” And, of course, it’s perfectly acceptable to sit there complacently enjoying the fruits of another’s labors (it WAS the first guy’s candy) while watching the other suffer! Think about what this is telling us.
  • A fast-food commercial shows this car at a drive-thru window with a guy ordering his meal. Out of no where, the car behind him hits his vehicle hard and continues to forcibly push it out of the way. Then the second driver (smiling at his success) orders the new burger on the menu.
So not only do we take away that we need to buy this new burger from this chain, but we are permitted - actually encouraged - to push people out of the way as we do so. That reaching our goal is the most important thing - no matter how we hurt another, damage another's goods and are just plain rude to our fellow human being.
There are many, many more commercials I can go through. Sometimes it's an eye-opener to sit through them and ask after each one: "OK, what is the OTHER meaning?" It helps open your eyes to all the messages beyond selling a product or service.
How many times do we simply ignore it, or worse - absorb it. This is, after all, a reflection on the way society is, isn't it? Or are we really “sheeple” and just roll over saying, "sure, kids today don't want to help" or "keep your hands off MY stuff" like the commercials teach us?
We need to acknowledge that the other messages are there. See them. Hear them. Then we need to see the response people around us have to those messages. Are they ignoring them? Are they buying into the messages? Are they repeating those actions? Are we?
Next, we need to do something about it. Bringing the additional message to another's attention is a simple and non-confrontational way. Another idea is bringing the mimicked actions to another's attention -- and be willing to have others bring our actions to our attention too. This isn't easy, but it will help counter all the additional messages woven through commercials and scattered like rotten grain into our society. If we simply help each other refocus - person-to-person - we can slow down or stop the spread of these secondary messages.
Perhaps one day we'll see more commercials that focus on building up the community, family, faith in one another, and sharing love instead of fighting over candy...
What is the other message?
See, hear, acknowledge
Spread the word

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Choir (Choirii) (Story)

This is a story I was told long ago and has recently resurfaced. I've been asked to share:

In a time before the fall, long before humans were ever created, was a time of God and His angels.

One day, God commanded the angels before the Throne to sing a song.
The angels gathered at once to obey His command.

However, one angel's heart wasn't into it, and did not put his/her full effort into the song.

After all,
(s)he believed, "it would not matter if I do not sing my best. For mine is just one small voice within the vast multitude."

The song started beautifully.

But since the angel's heart wasn't in the song, it wasn't as perfect as it should have been.

Notes were missed.

This wrecked havoc on the harmony, which in turn led to the ultimate collapse of the melody - it was a disaster.

God was furious!
He knew what happened and why.

He let forth a tremendous Wrath upon all the angels of the choir.

All parts of Heaven reverberated with the sound of His Rebuke!

And the very essence of Heaven shook with His Rage!

The angels suffered tremendously - especially the one who did not put his/her heart into the song.

There was a great multitude of "singed feathers" in Heaven that day.

And the cries of their loss echoed across all Creation...

From that point on (for a while at least) anything angels did to serve God was done with their whole heart and not half-hearted as the one angel had done.



Special Grocery List (Story)

This came to me by email and it's a beautiful story:

Louise Redden, a poorly dressed lady with a look of defeat on her face, walked into a grocery store. She approached the owner of the store in a most humble manner and asked if he would let her charge a few groceries. She softly explained that her husband was very ill and unable to work, they had seven children and they needed food.

John Longhouse, the grocer, scoffed at her and requested that she leave his store at once.

Visualizing the family needs, she said: "Please, sir! I will bring you the money just as soon as I can."

John told her he could not give her credit, since she did not have a charge account at his store.
Standing beside the counter was a customer who overheard the conversation between the two. The customer walked forward and told the grocer that he would stand good for whatever she needed for her family.

The grocer said in a very reluctant voice, "Do you have a grocery list?"

Louise replied, "Yes sir."

"O.K" he said, "put your grocery list on the scales and whatever your grocery list weighs, I will give you that amount in groceries."

Louise hesitated a moment with a bowed head, then she reached into her purse and took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. She then laid the piece of paper on the scale carefully with her head still bowed.

The eyes of the grocer and the customer showed amazement when the scales went down and stayed down.
The grocer, staring at the scales, turned slowly to the customer and said begrudgingly, "I can't believe it."
The customer smiled and the grocer started putting the groceries on the other side of the scales. The scale did not balance so he continued to put more and more groceries on them until the scales would hold no more.

The grocer stood there in utter disgust. Finally, he grabbed the piece of paper from the scales and looked at it with greater amazement.

It was not a grocery list, it was a prayer, which said: "Dear Lord, you know my needs and I am leaving this in your hands."

The grocer gave her the groceries that he had gathered and stood in stunned silence.

Louise thanked him and left the store.

The other customer handed a fifty-dollar bill to the grocer and said; "It was worth every penny of it. Only God Knows how much a prayer weighs."

When you read this, please take a moment to say a prayer.

So few times we give credit to what prayer is and how much it can affect and influence our own lives and the lives of others.

Sometimes we need little reminders to show us there is Someone listening.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bright Lights

Between the news the media covers and how bad news seems to travel further and faster than good news, it is difficult to see the good in our fellow human beings. Instead we look upon each other with fear and suspicion.

Recently, a friend had some people reach out to him and his wife in their need. I admit that my first and primary response was that fear when I heard they not only had his phone number but also his address, saying they will bring over some goods. I warned my friend to be very careful as these people could rob them or worse...

His response snapped me into a better perspective. He told me flatly, there was nothing in his home worth stealing. He was not going to let the fear that we have of strangers stop him from opening the door to those who really do intend to help.

He judged correctly, those people brought smiles, food and things he and his wife could use, a very rare thing in his life and a blessing he received with a gratitude and joy that touched my heart.

Someone really cared for their fellow human beings.
Someone fought that fear and opened their door.
Together that moment has something to teach us all.

We should be alert and open the ways for any of our fellow human beings who truly wish to help others. And while we should maintain vigilance against those who deceive, manipulate and abuse the ways we open, we should never use it as an excuse or reason to let our fears lock us away from each other.

We all share this world. True, there is darkness and evil here. But there are many bright points of Light and Love here too. If we open our eyes to see the difference, we will see not only the bright points, but the ways they illuminate where we can help one another.

We also shouldn't propagate the bad news; just alert others of precautions to take. Instead, we should spread good news, and fight against the fear that has made us mistrustful of one another.

Hand-in-Hand can humanity stand
Against the fear
Trust in Love


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lifting my Voice (Poem)

I needed some time to myself, but now... I want to sing, I want to shout! I want to tell the world what I'm about.

Why am I so shy and hesitant in what I say - more each day...

I giggle, stay silent - I just want to hide... rather than plainly state what I feel inside.

Yesterday and then again today, someone said he saw wisdom in what I had to say...

And yet I hesitate and hold back. Is it simply courage that I lack?

I need to change, to grow... to become something more than what I know!

I was told change is NOT something to fear...

But something that instead should be treasured dear.

The enemy uses fear to stop us as we progress, each hesitation is a measure of his success.

I should start to again blog this, and share with any who may witness...

Fear NOT the change.

Through it we grow.

Let that show.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Trust of a Child

I spent the night at my sister's place visiting, but I woke up exceptionally early (before 4:30 AM) and logged online to find something to occupy my time.

I went to IM chat box first, but the only two friends "online" I knew were likely asleep, so I refrained from sending a post that may wake them, leaving them to dream in what Peace they may find.

I then wandered my way back to Twitter and skimmed through the tweets. My drive to go to Twitter every day had suddenly fallen off last weekend.

For the past week it felt as though I was tossed unanchored from wave to wave seeking more secure footing. I still had my guiding star in sight, but without secure footing, sometimes one gets a few mouthfuls of water to spit out before toes can dig into the sand and find the rock ledge beneath.

What my wandering heart and mind sought this early hour was not there. So I continued...

Instead of a gaming website (which I tended to visit when I could not find anyone I wanted to converse with online), I went to my blog and skimmed through the sites I follow.

There I found a few allegedly inspirational posts, but they seemed to fall dead at my feet this morning as I sat in the silent darkness before the first birdsong hearing only the rain pitter-patter on the walkway outside.

I also read a few humorous blogs; some made me smile, but not had me laugh nor lifted the darkness that seemed to grow more oppresive with each passing minute.

Then I came across my young niece's blog. She wrote of her 14-year-young problems with her mom, step-dad, friends and boyfriend. But she also wrote a lot about God and Jesus. Even when she did not name them, her faith shone through her words - clearly stating that no matter what she faced, God was there. She just had to put her trust in Him to see her through whatever life placed in her path.

I believe that was what my heart sought. So many times, I get so wrapped up focusing on stuff in my head, with work, with family, with discussions of what things written long ago may mean, I forget to take a still moment -- even one in the middle of the night -- and just listen to God's song in my heart, trusting Him and letting Him guide me where I need to be and with what I'm called to do. I know He is reaching out to me and to each and every one of us...

When that finally dawned on me, the first birdsong rang clear and true outside the window where I still sit. I clicked on the [New Post] button and decided to share this moment with you. It's very early morning; the sun barely kissed the sky with light and a lone bird greets the still morning outside. The song in my heart joins in it's song lifted to God.

Relive the faith of a child.
Believe He's reaching.
Trust in Him