Friday, August 21, 2009

The Choir (Choirii) (Story)

This is a story I was told long ago and has recently resurfaced. I've been asked to share:

In a time before the fall, long before humans were ever created, was a time of God and His angels.

One day, God commanded the angels before the Throne to sing a song.
The angels gathered at once to obey His command.

However, one angel's heart wasn't into it, and did not put his/her full effort into the song.

After all,
(s)he believed, "it would not matter if I do not sing my best. For mine is just one small voice within the vast multitude."

The song started beautifully.

But since the angel's heart wasn't in the song, it wasn't as perfect as it should have been.

Notes were missed.

This wrecked havoc on the harmony, which in turn led to the ultimate collapse of the melody - it was a disaster.

God was furious!
He knew what happened and why.

He let forth a tremendous Wrath upon all the angels of the choir.

All parts of Heaven reverberated with the sound of His Rebuke!

And the very essence of Heaven shook with His Rage!

The angels suffered tremendously - especially the one who did not put his/her heart into the song.

There was a great multitude of "singed feathers" in Heaven that day.

And the cries of their loss echoed across all Creation...

From that point on (for a while at least) anything angels did to serve God was done with their whole heart and not half-hearted as the one angel had done.



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