Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Smiles - Seen and Unseen

I often tweet or retweet these little messages on Twitter about sharing a smile. Many still do not realize the power that can be found in a smile.
  • It can pick you up.
  • It can say "I care."
  • It can say "I'm here for you."
  • It can say "I'm listening."
  • It can make you smile in return - even laugh.
A smile costs the giver nothing but a thought and a touch from the heart.

We've all seen those smiles that are just upturns of the corners of the mouth but never touches the eyes. A genuine sincere smile sets the eyes sparkling with the warmth of love and friendship.

And then there are the unseen smiles..... These are the times when someone reaches out to us and touches our hearts in a way that causes us to smile from the warmth and love in that touch. We do not see the smile. Sometimes it's an email or a phone call. Or just words on the screen over the internet. But we respond to that with a smile of our own and somehow know they smile too.

I had such a moment this morning. I was a bit down from a restless night of bad dreams and the rain that rolled through the area this morning. I was going to dive into my workload today - disheartened - and then I thought to check my @ messages on Twitter one last time....

That's when I saw this: "how u doing today my good friend" and a beautiful smile lit up my face.

The day is actually getting brighter outside too as the rain moves off. But more, my dark mood is dispersing with the clouds beause these little words touched my heart and told me that I'm not alone, that someone out there is not only a friend, but is thinking of me at that moment. That friend cared enough to send me a quick note.

He didn't even realize that I was in a bad mood. But just thought to take the time and say "hi." What a world of difference it made. When was the last time I took a moment and say "hi" to someone like that? One never knows just how much that little "smile" may effect somebody's day today.

Share that special touch of love and friendship.
Share that smile.


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