Monday, July 6, 2009

Missed Blessing

There is this family that my husband and I befriended when they lived in our apartment complex. We would have dinner at each others homes and share many memorable BBQ's outside. We were the test subjects the summer when the wife and kids went back to visit family in India and the husband decided to learn to cook.

My husband tutored their kids. The wife and I would go out for walks or would sit on cold days and drink tea while we chatted. She even dragged my butt to yoga class gratis to see if I would like it. Her husband and mine were good friends too.

They moved from New England to Arizona four years ago. Since then we've traded holiday greetings and the occasional phone call, but it wasn't the same as seeing them practically every day.

Today they swung by the apartment complex unannounced while I was at the office. My husband was home and tried a few times to reach me by phone. The first time, I was out for a walk on a lunch break. The moment I got back to the office, I headed right into a meeting, not checking my voicemail. Then I was on a conference call. By the time I checked my messages they had come and gone.

I had missed them. :(

How many times do we miss opportunities because we're so caught up in our daily lives? How many times do we loose the chance to see those that mean so much? If I had taken one minute to check my voicemail, I would have had the chance to see my friends I haven't seen in four years.

Watch for missed blessings; they come in many forms.
They happen anytime.


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