This story was passed on to me by a 17-year-old. I wanted to share it with my readers. ~ ESA
A Dance with A King

I held my arms tightly around my knees; I drew them
closer as if they were my last life force.
My boom box played “Oh Darling!” by Plugin Stereo. I
cried even more thinking of joyous thoughts, all the happy times we had
buried my face deeper in my dark kneecaps to the point where I started seeing a
format of shapes behind my closed eyelids.
Maybe if I squeeze tight enough, I will leave this
A soft voice called. It sounded like bells ringing, it was deep yet comforting.
“Yes?” I said not picking my face up.
I was
afraid to pick my head up, I didn’t want anyone to see me so broken. But how
could someone get in? My door is locked.
is this man?
looked up slowly, in front of me, by my room door, stood a glowing figure. He
was glowing gold; he was smiling. He looked about five foot, seven, with a
smile that made me feel like I could touch the sky if I jumped. He stood still
as his eyes assessed me.
Who are you? I thought to myself even though I already
had a hunch.
“You know me,” he said warmly. He didn’t move.
“I know you?” I said slowly testing each word. I
took my eyes off of him and looked at my bed, studying the floral patterns on
it. They swirled, they became pink, the leaves turned green leading into a
crème color.
I know you? But I’ve never seen you a day in
my life. Or maybe I have and I just don’t remember; after all, didn’t I read
somewhere that the mind does this? Remember things you don’t pay attention too?
Hmm . . .
“I know you,” I said louder now, sitting up and staring
at him.
I sniffled.
“You know me,” he said evenly.
“I don’t remember you.”
He shrugged and walked over to my bed; with three
strides he was right next to me. I placed my feet on the floor looking at this
glowing man. I had a better look at him now; he had shoulder length brown hair
that looked soft, the gentlest brown eyes I’ve ever seen. Yet he looked big and
muscular. Can a muscular man be gentle?
I bit my lip.
“Jesus,” I said trying not to sound crazy, but
somewhere in me, this fit.
He smiled.
everything, this is Jesus! In my room, this is awesome!
I felt happiness surge through me.
need you.” I said quietly. I placed my head back down.
He sat near me, looking at me.
“I need you Jesus, sometimes I feel like you’re not
there, like you’re not listening, like you’re busy with others. But that’s okay
if you are, I’m sure other people have bigger problems, bigger than mine.” I
tried to swallow the bile rising in my throat signaling a new shed of tears. Not in front of Jesus I chastised
“Why not in front of Jesus?” He pushed my hair
behind my back so he could get better
look at me.
“Because I don’t want you to see me this way.”
“What way?”
“Unhappy.” I felt the tear roll down my face.
“I have nothing but time, and if I can’t see you
this way who can, Elizabeth? Who do you trust more than Me?”
I stayed quiet.
He continued; “I am always here, I will come to those
who believe and call upon My name. I am a King, that is correct, but I am also
yours. I gave Myself for you; you are precious to Me. I have all the time for
“And what about others?”
“I have time for them too. I am God.” He smiled at
me; His eyes twinkled.
It was the most beautiful sight ever.
best friend hates me.”
“Why?” He folded His hands in His lap.
“Because she thinks I’m a slut.” I choked back the
“Cry if you need to; I’m here,” He said tenderly,
“Did she call you a slut?”
I laughed. Jesus
using the term “slut;” that’s one for the books.
“No, but she didn’t need to. She thinks every guy
she likes, I like as well just because we’re friends, and I think it’s because
I’m friends with them and she doesn’t like it. I mean she’s so beautiful, how
can she think that I’d do something so vile as to take the one she’s interested
He stayed quiet for a while.
I just looked at my hands.
“Does she know she’s beautiful?” He asked quietly.
“She should.” I bit my nails.
“Yes, but sometimes what you think people know, they
don’t really know.”
I looked at him. “So she’s insecure because she
doesn’t know she’s beautiful?” I thought about it for a moment. “Well Miranda
always did have problems with guys; but this You already know.”
He nodded. “So you see, maybe she’s not angry with
you, but jealous because of you.”
“See that goes back to what I just said: you are
beautiful. I would think you knew it, but you don’t; otherwise you would’ve
seen this is the problem.” He placed His hand on my shoulder drawing me closer
to Him.
smells like a carpenter; like wood and sawdust, but like olive oil and cocoa
butter. I inhaled deeply closing my eyes. I’m out of tears to cry, that’s a new one.
want to show you something.” He stood up as I looked at Him confused. He pulled
me up gently and wrapped His arms around my waist, with a flash of blinding
white light we were in a different place.

“Are You getting married?” I asked as I looked up at
the balcony. I knew we were in Heaven; I didn’t know how, but I guess from the
atmosphere, and the way things looked: this had to be Heaven. No way was marble
this beautiful; no way could you find pillars as large as the twin towers and
perfectly taken care of; the balcony was large as an opera house’s balcony. If
this wasn’t Heaven, then this has got to be the closest thing to it.
“I am.” He held His hand out, I walked over to Him. When did my clothes change? I was
wearing a puffy white wedding gown it hung
loosely off my shoulder, as my hair was pinned up in a princess bun. I wore
white gloves like Cinderella; I could hear my heels click on the floor as I
walked slowly towards Him.
Music started to play. Where was it coming from? I
looked around as He pulled me closer to Him. “Where is this music coming from?”
“Worry yourself with nothing but me right now.” His voice sounded so close, I
could lean in and kiss Him, but I met His steady gaze with shaky breaths. Is He trying to dance with me? I can’t
He smiled lovingly.
nothing compares to your embrace, light up the world, forever reign.”
The lyrics went as He twirled me gently. As my dress twirled with me, He began
to pull me closer with one hand on my waist, the other in mine.
I had one hand on His shoulder and the other in His,
we were waltzing.
I’m dancing, I can’t dance but I’m dancing.
How is this possible?
is possible with God.” He said telepathically.
We moved faster, it was like we were hopping now, as
we danced in a slow circle, as the music picked up.
My heart sings His name only.
I run into your arms; I run into your arms; the riches of your love; will
always be enough; and nothing compares to your embrace,” the
song went.
song continued to play; we never took our eyes off each other. He tightened His
grip; He kissed my neck; I rubbed His cheek. I felt as if this were a
“Now you must return.” He said after the song finished
and we took our bows.
“I know.” But I was so happy that I didn’t mind.
the same flash, we were back in my room. He hugged me deeply, and then backed up
as He disappeared.
I awoke with a jolt; my
room was the same. No sign of Him anywhere. Was that a dream? Was it my imagination, or was it

I stood up and walked to my closet. When I opened it,
I saw the same gloves I wore in the dream, in there.
I smiled to myself.
I got on my knees, holding the cross between my palms, and began the Lord’s Prayer. Thank you God for sacrificing your son for me and for the whole world.