Friday, January 11, 2013

Reflections on Taft Union

While my prayers join with others for the students and community of Taft Union following the shooting, I do want to share an observation with my readers.
The shooter was bullied.
The shooter mentioned he would like to take steps to end his torment, but no one listened.

No one stopped the bullies.
The news media covered, covers, and will continue to cover violence done by people, which can seem to a desperate mind the one resort left to stop the torment of their lives.
While I certainly do not condone what transpired today, as no one should be on either end of that scenario, I would like to share my thoughts.
The focus of many, including the US President, will be on gun control... not bully control.
I was an outcast in school, and still have the scars today to prove it, inside and out.
While steps should be taken to ensure the safety of our citizens, especially our children, perhaps we should view a root cause, which is how we as a society respond to bullies.
May we see a time where no one needs to fear.
...or take such sad desperate measures. :*(

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