Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Postive News ~ Jan. 1

If a unicorn landed in Central Park, and a pick-pocket robbed someone, and that's ALL that happened in New York City that day, every news person would cover the pick-pocket story.
If we want to see a brighter world, we need to spotlight where there is Love and Light. There  actually IS a lot of good that goes unnoticed. Our focus helps that Light shine brighter, and sends the message that we don't want to focus on the dark-side of humanity any more...
New Year Day seemed the right time to start this tradition on my blog. Each day I will strive to share some good news stories. I'll label each "Positive News" with the date.
There is more I found this morning, but three to seven stories per day seems like a nice compact blog post.
If you know any stories that show positive works, Love shining through or good news in general, please share them with me: @JesusSister (on Twitter) or JesusSister2011@hotmail.com.
It is only hand-in-hand
That we shine Light grand

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