Friday, February 21, 2014

Brony Jesus

This post is primarily a response to a tweet someone sent my way today. I posted this picture with a prayer for healing and family support. The response was, "Is it appropriate to have MLP with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? No.
I believe the person tweeted this without truly seeing the bigger picture. So I wanted to take the opportunity to explain.
The prayer that was connected with my tweet is for an 11-year-old boy who was bullied badly at school because he liked to watch My Little Pony. The bullies drove Michael to such a point of desperation that he attempted to take his own life.
For the past month, his parents have been desperately praying at his bedside in the hospital while Michael remains in a coma. In the last few days, a glimmer of a miracle unfolds as Michael started breathing on his own again.
Yeshua / Jesus the Christ is our Lord AND our Healer. To picture this child in the arms of our Beloved Savior and ask for his healing is the most respectful and loving thing my heart and soul pictures.
Anthropomorphics have been used throughout time to illustrate humanity beyond the color of our skin or our genetic background; whether it is a meek lamb in Christ's arms or a blue pony. By going beyond one physical human depiction, the image embraces ALL of humanity, including a small boy who struggles for life inside a North Carolina hospital.
I had offered the image to that child's family, so it may uplift them and give them hope when this is what they had to see day after day as they desperately prayed at their son's bedside...

It was bullies that refused to accept the fact that a small boy likes to watch a TV show "targeted to girls." Even though the parents have done as Christ teaches and forgave the bullies from the start, they themselves continue to see abuse and bullying. 
It may be a bully that insists that the above image of Christ is sacrilegious and disrespectful. I trust, however, that the person did not see the larger picture.

I believe that Yeshua / Jesus the Christ loves EVERYONE - no matter where we are, no matter who we are, no matter what we look like.
I pray others come to see that as well.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine Card

On February 10, 2009, I received a package in the mail addressed to me at my work office. I opened it with the rest of the mail and pulled out the card pictured here. As you can see, it was unsigned.
The outside reads "You hold a special place in God's heart and a special purpose in this world..." The inside reads "...and that makes you irreplaceable."
I nabbed my webcam and took pictures of the outside and inside of the card to send to a friend with whom I was chatting when I received the card. The response to my comment that it wasn't signed was simply, "Does it really need a signature?"
Some of my readers may suspect this friend had sent the card to me. No. This person did not know my work address.
In addition, I will admit, that there were other cards in the package. It was part of a card solicitation. Yet...
That was the first card out of the package, and it had remarkably touched my heart in a way I cannot put into words. To this day, it is still within the pages of my journal. These were words I really needed to hear at that moment. I never received any additional solicitations nor contacts from this card company (and I get a LOT of repeat ones from other card companies).
It also touched me that it arrived right before Valentine's Day. The other cards were a birthday, anniversary, get-well, and bereavement card. By simple coincidence, I pulled this card out first from somewhere in the middle of the envelope's contents.
Or was it coincidence?
I know God works within my life. When something strikes me as "Wow! God just sent me a message, or touched my life somehow," I don't question it. I smile and thank God for the blessing, the reminder, the help.
None of us are alone; God Loves us, is with us and cares for us - each and every one of us the same.
There is no "To" name as well on the card. I think this is perfect, just as it may have been intended. This card is for each and every one of us. We are ALL Special to God. We ALL have a special purpose in this world. We are ALL irreplaceable.
God Loves us ALL.
God Loves YOU!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Share the Love

Valentine's Day has very much become a couple's or lover's holiday. Sadly, there are far many more hearts in this world that contain a great wealth of love, but are not part of a romantic couple.
Where I work, there are those who have very caring hearts, but not one has a special someone to share today's heartfelt holiday. Those that have kids, have children that are adults and long since moved out with sweethearts of their own.
These are only a handful of many, many more people who have been deluged with advertisements, mentions, and decorations for a holiday that they feel - quite frankly - left out. No one deserves to be left behind.
We should celebrate the Love in everyone's heart. I ask my readers to join me in some Valentine's Day mischief. 
We can leave a flower, some sweets, or even just a note with kind words. Even the simple words, "You are loved" can touch a heart like nothing else on a day like this holiday.
Like the card mentioned in my next blogpost, it can be unsigned. God loves them; sometimes they need to hear that they are loved. Nothing more needs to be said. :)
Please bring a bit of light into another's life today. Valentine's Day is a celebration of Love - not only a sweetheart holiday.

We all have love inside us.
Let's celebrate it
With all! :D

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Letter from Christ

This was passed on to me via email, and I wanted to share it with my readers as we celebrate Love this Valentine's Day week. :D
Dear Humanity, 
I miss you; I want you near me once again. 
Your LORD isn't one that enjoys punishing the wicked; your LORD doesn't like to hold his hand back and see you weep.
Your LORD wants to watch over you as a young mother bird would watch over her baby birds; I want to be called your Salvation, your Deliverer.
I want your eyes to look Heavenward and jump for joy when you hear the trumpets sound. I want you to be sure in where you stand -- not guessing.
I don't care how many tears I shed; if they end yours then I'll cry a thousand times. I've looked over your bad times and good. I've cried with you; I've even laughed by your side.
Time is running short, and I want you near me once again. I take no pleasure in punishing and leaving you behind; nor do I enjoy knowing you're in pain and I can stop it.
I've fought for you and defended you many times; when I died naked on the cross it was because I love you. 
I still love you, you are GOD'S Creation; His Spirit is within you.
Don't tremble when I draw near; instead open wide. Let me hold you and embrace you in my arms. 
I love you.
~Yeshua (a.k.a. Jesus)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bride Song (Poem)

In time for Valentine's Day, I'm re-posting a poem I wrote a few years ago that expresses my Love for Yeshua/Jesus the Christ.
Happy Valentine's Day!

You gaze upon me, such Love in your eyes

Calling me “Beloved,” but what have I done?
I am hated, a loser, a thing people despise
Do I deserve such Love from someone?

~Let me look through your eyes, my beloved
~Let me look through your eyes and know
~What's within me, that you discovered
~Let me seek the Love that you sow
 What do you see with your vision so wise?
I feel lifted; my poor sight undone
A Light deep inside as I look through your eyes
A new journey has now begun
~Let me look through your eyes, my beloved
~Let me look through your eyes and know
~What's within me, that you discovered
~Let me seek the Love that you sow

I look through your eyes at the others
Before they were sinful, adrift and just wrong
Now I see the same Light within them
They’ve been the same as me all along

 ~Let us look through your eyes, my beloved
~Let us look through your eyes and know
~What's within us, that you discovered
~Let us seek the Love that you sow

 I share your Love for all others
I reach out my hand without shame
I’ve learned they are sisters and brothers
And God loves each of us the same
 ~Let us look through your eyes, my beloved
~Let us look through your eyes and know
~What's within us, that you discovered
~Let us seek the Love that you sow

I sing this Song to the whole world

His Love extends far beyond me

Hate or anger need not be hurled

A better life there can certainly be

~Let us look through your eyes, my beloved

~Let us look through your eyes and know

~What's within us, that you discovered

~Let us seek the Love that you sow
For the Feast, guests are excited

The Spirit’s mission is done

Bride and Groom at last united

Now they are truly one

~Let us look through your eyes, my beloved

~Let us look through your eyes and know

~What's within us, that you discovered

~Let us seek the Love that you sow
Brother / Sister no more divided

Basking in the eyes of the Son

Heaven sings; all are delighted

The Promised Kingdom has come

~Let us look through your eyes, my beloved

~Let us look through your eyes and know

~What's within us, that you discovered

~Let us seek the Love that you sow

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Footprints in Snow

Most people who live in wintry climes experienced climbing over a snow bank. Sometimes it is a small hill out of piled or wind-drifted snow, pristine and ready to explore with child-like delight.
Sometimes we face a muddy, gravel-pitted and icy hurdle to get where we want to go.
Yesterday's snowfall left a shoulder-high wall between me and my morning run to the bakery. I wasn't going to be deterred. I plowed ahead with snow spilling over the tops of my knee-high boots.
We learn to place our steps in the footprints of those who climbed over the snowbank before us. The chance that we'd sink deeper than those footprints is miniscule; we know its a safe path.
As I climbed back over the snowbank on the return trip, a thought danced through my mind and I wanted to share it with my readers.
We often see "footprints in the sand" signifying Christ walking with us, carrying us in times of trouble.
When things get REALLY tough and the world gives us the cold shoulder, Christ is still there, climbing over the snow banks with us.
Even when we are stubborn and insist that we can tackle the challenge on our own, Christ walks a step before us and encourages us to walk in His footsteps, for that way we know the path is safe for us to walk too.