A friend who is new to Twitter came to me with a problem. I wanted to share my response, in case my readers face similar.
Twitter trolls will happen, no matter what you do. It's sad, but some insist on trolling as a way to get their kicks. Don't let them irk you.
I usually investigate to discover why the person attacks a tweet that is not addressed ("@") them.
For this particular troll, he is a frustrated Atheist / former-Christian, who is mad
at God because God didn't turn out to be the way he wanted. He also
suffers from poor health, which only adds to his frustrations and
beliefs that if God really was there and really CARED for him, none of
this would happen.
Because he now believes that God doesn't exist, he can no longer take
his anger/frustrations out on God - so he targets others (particularly
Christians) to troll instead.
So you have a choice:

(2) You can block him, so you don't see any of his tweets, which
helps buffer you from his attacks. This, however, gives his ego a boost.
Trolls count "blocks" as "points" in their game. It depends on how much your ego wants to let them "win" that stupid game.
(3) You can ignore him; pretend that his tweets do not exist. Shunning does work. Eventually
he gives up and goes away.
(4) You can continue to treat him with kindness, love and respect. He
will continue to belittle what you say, but at the same time you are teaching through example,
rather than through words alone.
On social media sites, you show others - even those you don't realize - what
it is to walk in Christ's steps. What it means to forgive and turn the other cheek.
The lyrical Blessing that came to mind: "May good health return; may you wear a gentle smile. May laughter and Love fill your heart all the while." Feel free to use it. I can't claim full credit anyway, as the Spirit helps me.
May your days of trolls be few
May the Spirit guide what to do