Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine Card

On February 10, 2009, I received a package in the mail addressed to me at my work office. I opened it with the rest of the mail and pulled out the card pictured in this blog post. As you can see, it was unsigned.

For the sake of those reading this blogpost via translator (and I am aware pictures do not translate), the outside reads "You hold a special place in God's heart and a special purpose in this world..." The inside reads "...and that makes you irreplaceable."

I nabbed my webcam and took pictures of the outside and inside of the card to send to a friend with whom I was chatting when I received the card. The response to my comment that it wasn't signed was simply, "Does it really need a signature?"

Some of my readers may suspect this friend had sent the card to me. No. This person did not know my work address. In addition, I will admit, that there were other cards in the package. It was part of some card solicitation mailing.


That was the first card out of the package, and it had remarkably touched my heart in a way I cannot put into words. To this day, it is still within the pages of my journal at home. These were words I really needed to hear at that moment.

I never received any additional solicitations nor contacts from this card company (and I get a LOT of repeat ones from other card companies). It also touched me that it arrived right before Valentine's Day. The other cards were a birthday, anniversary, get-well, and bereavement card. By simple coincidence, I pulled this card out first from somewhere in the middle of the envelope's contents.

Or was it coincidence?

I know by now God works within my life. When something strikes me as "Wow! God just sent me a message, or touched my life somehow," I don't question it. I smile and thank God for the blessing, the reminder, the help.

None of us are alone; God Loves us, is with us and cares for us - each and every one of us. In addition, there is no "To" name as well as "From" name on the card. I think this is perfect, just as it may have been intended. This card is for each and every one of us. 

We are ALL Special to God.
We ALL have a special purpose in this world.
We are ALL irreplaceable.
God Loves us ALL.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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