Unlike some, I do not raise my hands that pray aloud or use fancy words. Growing up, no one around me did that. At Catholic Mass we said the same prayers week-after-week, the same responses to the point of memorization. Even when we (rarely) said the blessing before the meals, it was a memorized prayer.
Then there were the really intimate prayers, just one-on-One communications with God, said quietly - silently - behind closed doors in your room.
Since childhood, I have seen other Christians "pray over someone" or "invoke the Holy Spirit" to action. Some of these prayers - though not many - sound like they are barking orders to God.
*Shudder* I don't know if I will ever become comfortable with that.
Then there are ones that I have heard pray aloud - humbly - and ask for God's help. Reverently. These are shining stars to me.
Not often, but sometimes I can feel another praying likewise silently in their heart, like soft, warm air flowing gently outward from them.
Then there are ones that I have heard pray aloud - humbly - and ask for God's help. Reverently. These are shining stars to me.
Not often, but sometimes I can feel another praying likewise silently in their heart, like soft, warm air flowing gently outward from them.
When I pray, for myself or for another, mostly it is silent. There are times I pray aloud, in song, in communal prayers, or shared prayers such as at meals with my husband, where we sometimes add things to the blessing, such as "please help those outside on such a cold night tonight."
When I pray for another, I take the time apart whatever I am doing and ... extend my thoughts to God. Then I reach out toward the person for whom I pray. Often I can feel some aspect of the person: vague emotions, such as fear, desperation, sadness, worry, flickering hope... It's not like I read minds; I just feel some small connection with the person. Then I pray - with them, for them - to God, asking for help.
Usually I request something specific, but I always ask that God's Will be done.
When I pray for another, I take the time apart whatever I am doing and ... extend my thoughts to God. Then I reach out toward the person for whom I pray. Often I can feel some aspect of the person: vague emotions, such as fear, desperation, sadness, worry, flickering hope... It's not like I read minds; I just feel some small connection with the person. Then I pray - with them, for them - to God, asking for help.
Usually I request something specific, but I always ask that God's Will be done.
I know that sometimes that means the person is not going to get what (s)he wants. Sometimes there is something better in not getting what we want. I ask also that God reach out to the person, give Hope, give Comfort, give Patience, give Courage... whatever is needed in that moment. Sometimes it is also a matter of God reaching out to the people around that person, working through them and helping them as well. It is not easy for a parent of a young child to stand beside a hospital bed not knowing if their offspring will take another breath...Or if the bills will be paid.... Or if they will never see someone they love deeply again... Or that they can get through any number of life's trials...
So many prayers needed...
When I pray, sometimes, but not as often as I would hope to have, I can tell which way the answer will fall. Sometimes there is an immediate ... "feeling" (for lack of a better word) ... that the prayer HAS been answered. The person will get better; the teenager will come back home, the feeling of Hope will return, whatever the case may be... I just get this feeling that it has been accomplished.
Sometimes there is the opposite; it will not come to pass as requested, yet God will be with them and others to help them through this time in life. At times I will be aware of Yeshua / Jesus reaching toward their hearts.
Most times, though, when I pray, I get no response at all, save "fax transmitted successfully..." to use a contemporary analogy. I do not know the outcome, but I know with certainty that God has heard me.
I have also come to realize, without any doubts, that prayers do work outside of time. We understand things in a linear manner. For example, if there's a need, we hear about, pray about it and it's then the prayer is answered.
Well, God is outside of time. So the prayer may be accomplished even before there is a need. Or we can pray after the answer has been witnessed, and our prayers will be heard and acted upon. So these things may not occur in the order we understand them.
Thus if I receive a prayer request from several days ago, I still pray then. God works outside of time to answer it.
Yeshua / Jesus prayed the whole time He lived in this world with us. I have no doubts He still prays, even while we pray to Him.
There is something special and spiritual in prayers.
We can all access that.
I loved your thoughts on prayer... I too shudder when I hear the "barked orders" type prayers... I do believe that affirmative, positively phrased prayers can be powerful but they're not demands--more of an affirmation that God is present, God is in control of the situation and God's will be done...